Tuesday, August 3, 2010

E-Safety, Codes of Conduct And Professionalism

(this image is from the National Education Network)

The next step in the development of our first project was to consult the e-safety guidelines from Becta.
I couldn't find the risk assessment document that's referred to in the Cambridgeshire documents so I consulted the Council's E-safety officer.
(Your organisation should have some one with similar responsibilities)
Over to them.

"I do agree that you cannot rule out children being involved if you are using social media. The involvement of children does open up the whole discussions of how you keep them safe, moderation etc. etc.

There are guidelines for Professionals working with Children and Young People or their Families in Sheffield which is included in our E-safety Protocol for Digital and Interactive Technologies which you may find useful. This can be downloaded from our website at http://www.safeguardingsheffieldchildren.org.uk/
from the E-safety link in SSCB/Service. "

I also ferreted around for other useful stuff to help us decide what we need to do.
Here's that research

The link above leads to Delicious which is another social media or Web 2.0 site.
I classify ('tag') and share websites I find, then I can use the tags to find other sites that other people have tagged.
It's like having one big favourites with endless different folders.
Here's an explanation from The Common Craft people

Blog posts can also be classified ('labelled') to make the blog easier to read.
I've labelled all the project posts 'Project' and you can select just them to read.


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