Thursday, August 19, 2010

i did that authoring course years ago and really enjoyed it
found time to write a rudimentry e-learning course which never went anywhere and then changed jobs and lost any momentum i had
it occurs to me that momentum is REALLY important in this....before using a blended learning approach becomes a habit you've got to make yourself do it
after the LeTTOL course me and geoff went on, i stopped, became wrapped up in other things and now feel's upto me to become "skilled" again, but i wonder whether that skill is as much about familiarity and, as i said, habit, rather than simply knowledge


  1. O-K so for the dunces in the group i, what is LeTToL
    I agree with your comments that all these skills we pick up really are use rthem or lose them.

  2. LeTToL
    Learning to Teach on-Line
    (don't you love these twisted acronyms?)
    An on-line course from Sheffield College

    As for skills accquisition and loss.
    Here's some academic stuff.
    On a personal note.
    I thought I'd learn how to weld.
    Repetition proved useless because my welding machine was rubbish (it was a gift!).
    This is a useful metaphor for all this on-line stuff.

  3. B****r!
    (only one 'c')
    I was going to say 'a reminder to compose in word and spell check'.
    But why should I?
    I'm used to good browsers that do it for me.


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