Monday, July 19, 2010

Pete And Geoff Learn Social Media

Grand design

Peter Allen and Geoff Power met to further Brockwood Park's Social Media involvement.
Setting some Terms of Reference seemed a good idea
(we pinched the questions from Cambridgeshire's Social Media Guide thingy
- more of that later)

What are the objectives of the project/campaign?

  • To create an interactive and participatory information service for Social Care staff in Sheffield

What audience are you intending to target?

  • Everyone working in Social care in Sheffield

Why use social media/networking as opposed to existing channels?

  • Because those existing channels are to slow and don't reach all our customers easily.

  • We expect these new media to solve these problems.

How would the given site/tool achieve those objectives?

  • Most of our customers have or will have shortly internet access. We don't know 'til we try

Are others within the organisation already doing something similar?

  • The Social Media workshops have yet to produce real useful stuff.
    So we'll get on with it anyway informing all we can on the way.

How will the success of the project/campaign be measured?

  • Any increased flow of information or opinion will count as success. We refuse to constrain ourselves with absolutes.

Who will be responsible for managing and moderating that channel?

  • Brockwood staff - in the first instance...

    • The E-learning Project group.

      • Bob Levesley

      • Geoff Power

      • Sarah Pack

      • Peter Allen


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